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Friday, 19 June 2015

Good Nuts! For healthy Sake

Inspired by the vintage tastes of classic India, Nuts 'n' Spices strive to continuously raise our benchmark by providing products of the highest quality and taste. In order to provide to our internet shoppers, Nuts 'n' Spices have has e-commerce portal, through which customers can buy all their favorite Nuts ‘n’ Spices products and get it delivered to their home. 
Humans have been using spices on their foods as far back as 50,000 B.C. But, beyond adding flavor, these dried seeds, fruits, root can also add years to your life. Spices are rich in phytonutrients and also other active ingredients that protect against disease. Spices also been linked to prevent and used in the treatment of chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancer, Type II diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.
Fresh dried spices tend to be expensive. Proper storage is really important. A trendy and beautiful spice rack may look fantastic on a kitchen counter but dried spices should NOT get stored on your kitchen counter. Dried spices should be stored in a cool, dark, dry environment, away from direct sunlight, in air tight containers. Inside a cupboard usually works well. Be sure that the cupboard is away from the heat of the oven/microwave and away from the moisture of the dishwasher. A much better spices test is to just smell dried spices before using them. If they have lost their scent, they should get tossed into the trash. Buy spices online, by selecting your favorite spices which makes you healthy and add more taste for your food.
The Spices used for cooking:
  • Add Flavor and Aroma: Spices can transform a meal by adding a range of flavors, from a hint of sweetness to a kick of heat. They also give beautiful aromas that are often our first determining factor for whether we want to eat a meal or not.
  • Enhance taste of food. We always think of salt as our go-to when a meal tastes too bland, but there are other spices like cumin that bring out the natural flavors of food.
  • Change or enhance color.  In all Indian foods you can able to notice that many of the dishes have a deep yellow, orange or red color. That’s because the spices powder used in typical Indian cooking, such as turmeric and paprika that gives color to the foods which makes them more bright and appealing.

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